“Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.”
1 Timothy 4:12

Ministry 4Twelve is a ministry of Grace Bible Church focused on helping students in grades 7th-12th embrace the message of the Gospel, and helping them embrace the Christ of the Gospel. Through our weekly ministry, discipleship and ministry events, the Staff of Ministry 4Twelve strives to get to know students and help students see their need for knowing Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

In a culture that is propagating and targeting lies to young people, Ministry 4Twelve presents the truth of the Bible that all students need to know: that Jesus Christ died on the cross to save them from their sin; that God can use their gospel-transformed life for His glory; and that true meaning and purpose for life is found in knowing Christ and the truths of the Bible.  Our ministry verse provides for young people the reality of how the God of the Bible can use their lives to bring Him glory, to bless those around them, and to serve as examples in how a believer in Jesus lives.

How we serve our young people:

Thursday Night Ministry

Study through Joshua

meets at the church building every Thursday night starting @ 6:30pm
During the school year, we have this weekly time of gathering so that students can come and hear about what the Bible teaches about Jesus Christ. This ministry allows students already in Ministry 4Twelve to invite their friends to come and hear the Gospel! The evening is comprised of fun-filled games, worshipful singing and Bible-centered teaching.

Summer Camps and Winter Retreats

These special events are helpful in getting students away from their normal routines to have focused time on growing in their understanding of and love for Jesus Christ. Our Summer Camps traditionally have been a week-long event. And, our Winter Retreats are usually conducted over a weekend.  Ministry 4Twelve has collaborated with other like-minded youth ministries with these events, which provides students encouragement in seeing other young people pursuing to live for the glory of Jesus Christ.


As students commit themselves to live for Jesus Christ, we endeavor to have them plugged into a Discipleship Bible Study. This is important to help students begin to understand what it means to be a Christian. Through these Discipleship Bible Studies, Ministry 4Twelve Staff assist students in: learning the truths found in the Bible; developing biblical disciplines to help them grow in their new; Christian life; and encouraging them press on in this journey to know Christ, to love Christ, to serve Christ and to bring glory to Christ.